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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Keris - The Unique Dagger from Indonesia

Wohow.... don't get it wrong. Keris has no any connection with Korea Education and Research Information Service (KERIS). We are talking about a very different kind of things. Keris that I mention here is an asymmetrical dagger from Indonesia. There are two kind of keris : wavy and straight shape. Keris is considered as weapon and spiritual object as well. Keris sometimes also considered  to have an essence of presence with some blades possessing good luck and some other bad luck.

UNESCO has given the title of Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity (2005) to Keris.

In the past - especially in Java culture - every man own a Keris in their home. Some people worn it on a daily basis, especially when traveling and will use in case for their own protection and self-defense. Some people believe that Keris must be treated very carefully. That's why most people will do cleaning ceremonial and ritual for their Keris. The ritual is the part of spirituality and mythology surrounding the weapon.

Not many people can make Keris. Only the chosen metalworkers called Empu have authority and ability to craft and make it. In Bali, this ocupation was the preserve of the clan of Pande. For this reason, Keris are considered almost alive because they may be vessels of spirits (either good or evil). Keris can move of their own volition and killed individuals at will. Some rumored said that some people also can control Keris and make it stand upright when their named are called. People believed some Keris helped prevent fires, death, agricultural failure, and other probles. They could also bring fortune like treasure and bountiful harvests.

Because Keris are considered sacred and believed to possess magical powers, specific rites needed to be completed to avoid colling down evil fates which is the reason warriors often made offering to their Keris at a shrine.

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